Okay Ya’ll!! I am as proud as can be! I just made a video of chapter one of my latest book, “A Squirrel Peed On Izzy.”
This may not seem like a big deal to many of you in the content creation realm, but it is huge for me. I spent countless hours watching tutorials on ways to create various videos, the use of different programs, and researching video trends. I wanted to be able to do something really fun and exciting with my latest book and story telling through video seemed like the way to accomplish that.
I am fully aware that there are FAR BETTER story productions out there, and that my videography skills are still at novice level, but considering this was my very first attempt, I think I can safely say I have a lot to be proud of.
Marketing books….getting the word out that your book even exists….can be an overwhelming, and sometimes exhausting effort. Authors are always seeking new ways to stand out. This video is just the first step in my attempt to stand out. The real work will come in trying to find places where people will actually SEE the video story.
That’s where all of you come in.
I’m going to take a moment of semi-selfishness here, and ask that each and everyone of you share this first chapter with YOUR audience. Who knows? Maybe someone will like it well enough to buy a copy of my book?
In the mean time, I am hoping to slowly drip out more video chapters of the book to my loyal supporters of my Substack content.
When you breach the paywall of my Substack, you will receive more videos like this, and, with time and practice, they may even get better!
Follow the story, buy the book (Click Here For The Book), and share the daylights out of this video! Love you all! Thanks for supporting me!
Laura Wing
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